Index of Legal Forms*
Intake Documents
- Intake Documents: Advisement Letter, Contract, Policy Limits Affidavit, HIPAA
1 - Advisement Letter - Contract - Policy Limits Affidavit - HIPAA Release.docClient Intake Forms
- Pro Se Letters (As for all forms - see disclaimer below)
2 - Pro Se Letters.docxPro Se Notices
- New Client Intake Information
3 - New Client Intake Form.docxIntake Form
Pre-Litigation Notices to All Parties
- Letter of Representation (LOR) to Liability Carrier & Request for Defendant's Policy Limits
1 - Letter of Representation (LOR) and Demand for Def's Limits - Auto - TEMPLATE.docxLOR to Defendant's Liability Carrier
- LOR and Notice to UM/UIM Carrier/Medpay Carrier
2 - LOR and Notice to UM:UIM:Medpay Carrier - Auto.docxLOR to UM, UIM, Medpay Carrier
- LOR and Notice to Resident Relative UM/UIM/Medpay Carrier
3 - LOR and Notice to Resident Relative UM:UIM:Medpay Carrier.docxLOR to Res Relative for UIM, UM, Medpay
- Open Records Request to Law Enforcement
4 - Open Records Request to Law Enforcement - Auto Wreck.docxORR to Law Enforcement
- LOR & Commercial Trucking Spoliation Letter
5 - LOR & Commercial Trucking Spoliation Letter.docxTrucking Spoliation Letter
- LOR and Spoliation Letter to Homeowner and Their Insurer
6 - LOR & Spoliation Letter to Homeowner and Their Insurer.docxSpoliation Letter to Homeowner
- LOR and Spoliation Letter to Store Defendant
7 - LOR & Spoliation to Store - Premises Injury.docxSpoliation for Premises Injury
- LOR and Spoliation Letter to Apartment Building
8 - LOR & Spoliation Letter to Apartment Building.docxSpoliation to Apartment for Negligent Security
- LOR and Ante Litem Notice to County Defendant
9 - LOR & Ante Litem Notice to County Defendant.docxAnte Litem Notice to the County
- Auto Wreck Demand Template
1 - Auto Wreck Demand.DOCXAuto Demand
- Scientific Studies Language for Low Impact Auto Demands
2 - Scientific Studies Language for Low Impact Auto Demands.docxScientific Studies on Low Impacts
- 1st Counter Offer Demand
3 - Counter Offer Demand.docxCounter Offer
- Punitive Damages Demand
4 - Punitive Damages Auto Demand - TEMPLATE.docxPunitive Damages
- UM/UIM Policy Limit Demand
5 - UM Policy Limit Demand Template.docxBasic UIM Demand
- UIM Demand with Resident Relatives
6 - UIM Demand with Resident Relatives Demand.docxUM/UIM Resident Relatives
- Homeowners Demand
7 - Homeowners Demand.docxHomeowner's Demand
- Commercial Slip and Fall Demand
8 - Slip and Fall Demand.docxSlip and Fall Demand
Lien Resolution
- Lien Reduction Request (LRR) for Orthopedic and Chiropractic Clinics
1 - LRR for Orthopedic or Chiropractic Clinic.docxLien Reduction to Ortho or Chiro
- LRR to a Hospital
2 - LRR to a Hospital.docxLien Reduction to Hospital
- Letter to Health Insurer Requesting EOB's for Subrogation
3 - Letter to Health Insurance Requesting Paid Amounts for Subrogation.docxEOB/Subrogation Letter
- Lien Dispute Letter - Deny ERISA but Inquire Further
- Lien Dispute Letter - We are ERISA Exempt
- LRR for ERISA Qualified Health Insurance Lien
6 - LRR for ERISA Protected Health Insurance Lien.docxERISA Protected LRR
- Basic Complaint
1 - Basic Complaint Template.docBasic Blank Complaint
- Litigation Memorandum for Co-Counsel Cases
2 - Litigation Memo for Co-Counsel Cases.docxLitigation Memorandum
- Plaintiff's 1st Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Defendant
3 - Plaintiff's Interrogatories and RPD's Template to Defendant- Template.docPlaintiff Interrogatories and RPD's
- Offer of Settlement Template
4 - Offer of Settlement Template.docStatutory Offer of Judgment
- Settlement Statement Template
Settlement Statement Template.docxTemplate for Closing Statements
Don't see a form you need? email Paisley Law, L.L.C. and we will dig through our old cases and find you what you need.
*Disclaimer: None of these forms are intended to work specifically for your case and all must be modified and tailored to your specific legal matter based on the facts and law in your case. These forms are intended as guides that can be easily modified. Competent legal counsel should always be consulted before using or filing any of these forms.